Restructuring an old swimming pool: times, costs, and methods renovate your own installation
There are many rules concerning swimming pools replaced over the years, both regarding construction than health. However it is possible o restructure any type of pool, making it new and updating it according to the regulations in force. We at Garden Pool are expert in renovating swimming pools!
Who owns an old swimming pool, which is no longer in compliance or not working, has two roads in front: demolish it or restructure it. In the first case we can take care of demolishing it and dispose any old swimming pool that can no longer be restructure it. In the second case we can restructure old swimming pools, offering the following services:
- Structural refurbishment of the swimming pool
- Restoration works for structural failures
- Foundation works (plinths, pilings, beams etc.)
- Concrete restoration
- Replacement of internal claddings (for any kind of material)
- Restyling
- Creation of new relaxation areas
- Integration of whirlpools
- Restoration of external floorings
We usually make a preliminary analysis with an on site inspection and pipes video inspection. We can also carry out pipes pressure tests in order to detect leakages or other problems.
Any swimming pool can get a new life through our work. Concerning accommodations for tourists, Tuscany region has imposed a new regulation to update the swimming pools to the new health and security rules. All of the swimming pools for public and/or accommodation use shall in fact comply to some structural and health characteristics, in order not to be sanctioned.
Gardenpool s able to offer a complete restructuring and updating service to the new regional rules for any kind of swimming pool, either for private residences or especially for pools used for accommodations for tourists. You can read here the tab of our restructuring services for pools.
The new rules provide for the owners of operating facilities shall communicate to the City Hall their update to the new regulations provisions. In the new Regulations various simplification measures have been acknowledged among which: the possibility to construct grassy quays around the pool the possibility to guarantee the cleanliness of the bathers before entering the water also using alternative systems like showers and foot washing baths self checking bathing parameters the possibility to use hedges or alarm systems instead of double fences The regulations have also updated the waivers to request to the Local Healthcare Units (USL) for swimming pools operating as of 20 March 2010. Hereafter the list of the aspects for which it is possible to ask for a waiver:
- sloping pool bottom pool
- compartment height
- technical requirements for stairs and steps
- materials colours
- perimeter areas around the basin
- changing cabins
- first aid posts features
- personnel rooms
Garden Pool is an ENTITLED UNDERTAKING to install, transform, enlarge, maintain technological installations for swimming pools according to Ministerial Order dated 22 January 2008, n.3.
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Tags: Swimming pools restructuring tuscany, Swimming pools restructuring florence, Swimming pools restructuring siena, swimming pools regulations tuscany, swimming pools regulations tuscany, swimming pools regulations tuscany 2018, restructuring service for pools